The Secret Path With Roger Dean

Roger Dean and Henk Rogers in Conversation Part1

Roger Dean

Henk Rogers

It is difficult to sum up in an opening sentence the many and various projects and endeavours that have made up Henk’s extraordinary career. I first met Henk when we worked on a role playing game called The Black Onyx. I then then designed the logo for the game Tetris, which Henk secured the rights to distribute and which he produces to this day as managing director of The Tetris Company. Since his work in gaming Henk has set up the charity Blue Planet Foundation, which led to Hawaii, where he lives instating the first 100 percent renewable energy state law in 2015. He is Chairman of the Pacific International Space Centre for Exploration Systems (PISCES) which aims to develop an aerospace industry in Hawaii. His enthusiasm and positivity for the future of the planet is inspiring, I always enjoy our conversations about it and this was no exception. I hope you all enjoy it too.